30 June 2010

need more followers

follow my twitter --->>> @vidyaace


Year 3000 - Jonas Brothers

One day when I came home at lunchtime,
I heard a funny noise.
Went out to the back yard to find out if it was,
One of those rowdy boys.
Stood there with my neighbor called Peter,
And a Flux Capacitor.

He told me he built a time machine.
Like one in a film I've seen,
Yeah... he said...

I've been to the year 3000
Not much has changed but they lived under water.
And your great great great grand daughter,
Is doing fine (doing fine).

He took me to the future in the flux thing, and I saw everything.
Boy bands, and another one and another one ... and another one!
Girls there with round hair like Star Wars float above the floor

We drove around in a time machine,
Like the one in the film I've seen..
Yeah... he said...

He said, I've been to the year 3000.
Not much has changed but they lived under water,
And your great great great grand daughter,
Is doing fine (doing fine).

I took a trip to the year 3000.
This song had gone multi-platinum.
Everybody bought our 7th album.
It had outsold Kelly Clarkson.
I took a trip to the year 3000.
This song had gone multi-platinum.
Everybody bought our 7th album, 7th album, 7th album.

He told me he built a time machine.
Like the one in a film I've seen,

I've been to the year 3000.
Not much has changed but they lived under water.
And your great great great grand daughter,
Is doing fine (doing fine).

He said, I've been to the year 3000.
Not much has changed but they lived under water.
And your great great great grand daughter,
Is doing fine (doing fine).

He said, I've been to the year 3000.
Not much has changed but they lived under water.
And your great great great grand daughter,
Is doing fine (doing fine).

He said, I've been to the year 3000.
Not much has changed but they lived under water.
And your great great great grand daughter,
Is doing fine (doing fine).

kurang kerjaan

sekarang ini, status gue lagi --->>> kurang kerjaan. jadi, gue berusaha buat nyari kerjaan, pastinya. oke, right now, I'm in the mood for posting song lyrics... hahaha :D.

pusing -___-

hari ini rasanya kepala berat banget, pusing deh pokoknya. padahal tadi rencananya mau pergi bareng luci, inggrid, sama swari. tapi gue ga bisa pergi. ckckck. btw, happy wednesday yaa :)

22 June 2010

jalaaaaaan :D

kemarin, hari senin tanggal 21 juni 2010, gue ke sekolah buat cap 3 jari ijazah. abis itu, gue, rade, sama mia main ke rumah miranda. gileeee, berempat di dalem mobil tuh sempit, tapi untungnya ga sumpek. ckckck. abis nyampe rumahnya miranda, kita langsung masuk kamar dia. di sana cuma ngobrol ga jelas, ketawa, online, sama foto.

*bagian makan siang dipotong*

abis makan siang, kita karaokean, tapi ga pake mic. walau ga pake, tetep aja suaranya.... beuh, kayak pake TOA men. awalnya sih masih belom pada semangat nyanyi, tapi lama-lama suasana menjadi "panas". hehehe :P. sebenernya sih panas beneran, soalnya AC di ruangan karaokenya itu ga dinyalain. tapi, seruuuu banget nyanyi bareng kayak gitu. yang paling parah, pas gue sama rade doang yang lagi nyanyi, mamanya miranda lewat di deket ruangan dan ngeliat kita berdua. hadeeeh, rasanya malu banget dah. gue cuma bisa tutup muka sambil loncat-loncat kayak orang kesurupan. jam 5 sore, gue sama yang lain langsung pulang ke rumah masing-masing (iyaaalah, masa rumah tetangga). sialnya, ongkos gue ga cukup buat kendaraan yang terakhir, OJEK. jadi yaa, gue berpasrah diri buat jalan kaki. sampe rumah, rasanya badan retak. sakit banget, pegel, ngantuk, dan suara jadi serek. hahaha. but at least, I had fun with them. :) :) :)

okay, see ya next time

20 June 2010

Dance With My Father - Luther Vandross

Lagu ini gue persembahin buat ayah gue tercinta (yang sayangnya saat ini lagi ada di luar kota). Happy Father's Day, Dad. Love You!!

Back when I was a child
Before life removed all the innocence
My father would lift me high
And dance with my mother and me and then

Spin me around till I fell asleep
Then up the stairs he would carry me
And I knew for sure
I was loved

If I could get another chance
Another walk, another dance with him
I’d play a song that would never, ever end
How I’d love, love, love to dance with my father again

Ooh, ooh

When I and my mother would disagree
To get my way I would run from her to him
He’d make me laugh just to comfort me, yeah, yeah
Then finally make me do just what my mama said

Later that night when I was asleep
He left a dollar under my sheet
Never dreamed that he
Would be gone from me

If I could steal one final glance
One final step, one final dance with him
I’d play a song that would never, ever end
‘Cause I’d love, love, love to dance with my father

Sometimes I’d listen outside her door
And I’d hear her, mama cryin’ for him
I pray for her even more than me
I pray for her even more than me

I know I’m prayin’ for much too much
But could You send back the only man she loved
I know You don’t do it usually
But Lord, she’s dyin’ to dance with my father again
Every night I fall asleep
And this is all I ever dream

13 June 2010

boring story pt. 7

hari ini rasanya badan gue lemes banget, engga tau kenapa. perut gue nih nyeri banget, kayak ketusuk gitu deh. huuft, engga enak deh rasanya. akhir-akhir ini gue jadi sering begadang gara-gara nonton piala dunia. tapi gini nih jadinya, kepala pusing dan badan rasanya panas. ckckck. tadi pagi aja gue nonton pertandingan inggris lawan amerika serikat. yaah, uda gue bela-belain nonton, malah seri lagi. tapi gapapa, masih ada hari esok (cielaah...). oke, cayo deh semua jagoan gue. hahaha ;D

11 June 2010

World Cup 2010

mulai hari, piala dunia bakal dimulai. nanti malem, jam 18.30, bakal ditayangkan pembukaannya. wajib nonton nih, soalnya piala dunia 2006 di jerman dulu enggak disiarin pembukaannya. abal banget. hehehe. btw, jagoan gue jerman, spanyol, dan inggris. what's yours ??

10 June 2010

Fragile Heart - Westlife

A fragile heart was broken before
I don't think it could endure another pain
But there's a voice from deep inside of you
That's calling out to make you realize

That this new bond gives inspiration
To all who feel no love appeal no more
So how can I break this wall around you
That's aiding both our hearts to grow in pain

So forget your past, and we can dream tomorrow
Save our hearts for card and lovin too
It's hard I know, but oh
One thing for sure
Don't go and break this fragile heart

A hurting mind in need of emotion
I don't think I could endure another pain
But baby in you, I've found affection
Affection I have never felt before

So don't let your past destroy what comes tomorrow
Don't go and break my fragile heart

With all this fire that burns between us
There's so much to lose
Yet so much more to gain
And if I could, choose the world around me
The world I'd choose would all revolve around you
So help me complete the game inside me
And help to mend my fragile heart

09 June 2010

boring story pt. 6

haaah, bosen banget di rumah. makin sepi aja ini rumah, soalnya enggak ada adek gue. adek gue lagi pergi ke bandung, jadi gue bete setengah mampus. huuft. udah berapa hari yaa gue ga ngeblog ?? hehehe. dua hari kalo ga salah (engga penting...). sekarang ini gue lagi online twitter. gue lagi males banget online fb, engga tau juga deh kenapa (haduuh, engga penting juga...). kok kayaknya gue banyak nulis hal yang engga penting yaa ?? biarin deh, buat menghibur diri. oh yaa, ada deh website yang isinya game gitu, seru juga sih game nya. coba aja buka www.gamesgames.com. kalo gue lagi bete kayak gini, biasanya gue buka tuh web nya. okee, sampai sini dulu. see ya next time!!

06 June 2010

Butterfly Fly Away - Miley Cyrus (OST Hannah Montana The Movie)

You tucked me in
Turned out the light
Kept me safe and sound at night
Little girls depend on things like that
Brushed my teeth and combed my hair
Had to drive me every where
You were always there when I looked back
You had to do it all alone
Make a living, make a home
Must have been as hard as it could be
And when I couldn't sleep at night
Scared things wouldn't turn out right
You would hold my hand and sing to me
Caterpillar in the tree
Have you wonder who you'll be
Can't go far but you can always dream
Wish you may and wish you might
Don't you worry, hold on tight
I promise you there will come a day
Butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away(butterfly fly away)
Got your wings now you can't stay
Take those dreams and make them all come true
Butterfly fly away(butterfly fly away)
You've been waiting for this day
All along and known just what to do
Butterfly x3
Butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away

boring story pt. 5

hmm, hari ini gue bukannya bosen sih, tapi bete. engga tau juga deh kenapa gue bisa bete. gue pengen banget deh ke sekolah lagi, ketemu temen-temen gue lagi. terus kita bisa ngorol bareng, ketawa bareng, saling cerita, dan ngeledek juga. gue kangen banget saat-saat gue duduk di kelas dan dengerin guru ngomel. nah, sekarang ?? gue cuma duduk di ruang ini, menghadap kompuetr, buka fb sama twitter, ngeblog, sama main game. kalo haus atau laper, gue tinggal ke lantai bawah ambil minuman dingin sama camian. keliatannya sih asik, seru. cuma lo deh yang ngalamin sendiri. sebenernya rasanya tuh hampa banget (duileeeeh...). makanya, gue nunggu banget tanggal 22 juni. kenapa tanggal itu ? karena pas tanggal 22 juni itu, gue masuk sekolah lagi. hehehe. bukan mau belajar tentunya, tapi mau ngurus ijazah SMP. lumayan kan, gue bisa keluar rumah dan ketemu temen SMP gue lagi. :) :)

03 June 2010

Everybody Hurts - REM

I dedicate this song to all people around the world who live in misery, grief, and despair. I want them to believe that someday this world will be better for all people and there is still love and hope for them.

When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone,
When you're sure you've had enough of this life, well hang on.
Don't let yourself go, everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes.

Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it's time to sing along.
When your day is night alone, (hold on, hold on)
If you feel like letting go, (hold on)
When you think you've had too much of this life, well hang on.

Everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends.
Everybody hurts. Don't throw your hand. Oh, no. Don't throw your hand.
If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone

If you're on your own in this life, the days and nights are long,
When you think you've had too much of this life to hang on.

Well, everybody hurts sometimes,
Everybody cries. And everybody hurts sometimes.
And everybody hurts sometimes. So, hold on, hold on.
Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. (repeat & fade)
(Everybody hurts. You are not alone.)

02 June 2010

Poem 4 by Erica

Will You Ever?

I don't think you will
ever fully understand
how you've touched my life
and made me who I am.

I don't think you could ever know
just how truly special you are
that even on the darkest nights
you are my brightest star.

I don't think you will ever fully comprehend
how you've made my dreams come true
or how you've opened my heart
to love and the wonders it can do.

You've allowed me to experience
something very hard to find
unconditional love that exists
in my body, soul, and mind.

I don't think you could ever feel
all the love I have to give
and I'm sure you'll never realize
you've been my will to live.

You are an amazing person
and without you I don't know where I'd be.
Having you in my life
completes and fulfills every part of me.

Poem 3 by Edgar A Guest

I'd like to be the sort of friend that
you have been to me;
I'd like to be the help that
you've been always glad to be;

I'd like to mean as much to you
each minute of the day
As you have meant, old friend of mine,
to me along the way.

I'd like to do the big things and
the splendid things for you,
To brush the gray from out your skies
and leave them only blue;

I'd like to say the kindly things that
I so oft have heard,
And feel that I could rouse your soul
the way that mine you've stirred.

I'd like to give you back the joy
that you have given me,
Yet that were wishing you a need
I hope will never be;

I'd like to make you feel as rich as I,
who travel on
Undaunted in the darkest hours with you to
lean upon.

I'm wishing at this time that I
could but repay
A portion of the gladness that
you've strewn along my way;

And could I have one wish this year,
this only would it be:
I'd like to be the sort of friend
that you have been to me.

Poem 2 by -Brittani Kokko

Standing by,
All the way.
Here to help you through your day.

Holding you up,
When you are weak,
Helping you find what it is you seek.

Catching your tears,
When you cry.
Pulling you through when the tide is high.

Just being there,
Through thick and thin,
All just to say, you are my friend.

Poem 1 by Nghi Nguyen

Does anyone know that my heart is broken?
Perhaps no one really knows because of the laughter I show when I'm with them,
Nobody knows that my heart is hurting because of that person.
Those days in love it was the laughter that made me happy,
Waking up in the morning next to the person that I loved,
It was everything that I could wished for,
But the laughter faded when the person said it was over.

Years have passed by but the memories are still here,
And I don't think I could ever erase the person from my mind,
Those wonderful memories from my heart.
My heart is bleeding from the sad memories that were once happy,
I can laugh and laugh,
I can lie to myself and my friends,
But the tears from the laughter are the tears from the heartbreak.

Sometimes in the nights I hear myself laughing,
The laughter that echoes through the nights,
Through the lonely dark room,
I sometimes realize that not all of the echoing sounds are laughter,
But they are the tears and sadness coming from my heart.
How can I erase anything when the person's love was so beautiful?
How can I erase that person from my memory,
When I still love that person so much


Haaaaai. Kali ini, gue mau posting banyak sajak yang gue cari lewat Google. Jadi, siap-siap aja di atas postingan gue yang ini, kalian bisa liat banyak sajak-sajak (dalam bahasa Inggris).

Enjoy these, gals!!!