20 September 2010

spamming, on twitter (copy paste)

Ini adalah tweets gue yg sungguh-sungguh spamming, dengan niat awal untuk menutupi tweet sebelumnya yg berisikan kata-kata kotor. Well, gue jadikan aja tweets spam gue sebagai post di blog *gaje*

@vidyaace sabar sabar

@vidyaace mencoba mengenal orang lebih dalam

@vidyaace sementara ini, yg gue liat cuma sisi buruknya

@vidyaace dan gue berusaha menemukan sisi baiknya

@vidyaace mengetahui kedua sisi tersebut akan membuat gue paham

@vidyaace manusia di dunia ini ga ada yg sama

@vidyaace masing-masing merupakan individu yg unik

@vidyaace yg sayang banget kalo kita abaikan

@vidyaace justru kita bisa belajar dari orang-orang tersebut

@vidyaace berusaha melihat sesuatu dari sudut pandang mereka, yg pastinya beda dari kita

@vidyaace dan semua hal itu bisa membuat hidup lebih indah

Okey, itu aja yg pengen gue posting di sini. See ya next time :)))
Have a nice day. Keep your spirits up, guys :DD

10 September 2010


I think it's better to write about my feelings here than spamming in twitter. Okay, nowadays, I feel, err, under-pressured. Why, you ask? I don't know, maybe it's because how I become so footloose these days and my parents don't like it. You know, when your parents still treat you like a little girl, what will you feel? Angry, maybe? Or maybe you just accept how your parents treated you? But, for me, I feel very disappointed. I think my parents should have a little more faith on me. I hope I was wrong about them, and I hope they will come up with good reasons about their act. Okay, wish you all have a nice day. Bye :)))

07 September 2010

ENDEAVOR's Break-Fasting 2010

Hi, guys. Now, I'm going to tell you about one of my experience. It's ENDEAVOR's break-fasting. Before I tell you more about the break-fasting itself, I wanna tell you about ENDEAVOR. It's one of extracurricular in SMA Negeri 14. It stands for English Debating Votary at Fourteen. I think it's enough for you to know about ENDEAVOR. Okay well, back to the main topic. What is it? Oh, err, right, break-fasting. All of my friends on 1oth grade had planned that the break-fasting will be held at Callista's house in Batu Merah, Pejaten Timur. When I first knew the location of that event, I was like, okay, confused. Why? Because I think it's too far away from my house, that's why. But, that's the only place which possible for us to hold the break-fasting. Therefore, I just agreed with it. After we had chosen the place, we chose the date to hold the event. So, after a long long time to decide, we decide to hold ENDEAVOR's break-fasting at Callista's on Saturday, 4th September 2010. Okay, now I'll tell you what we did on break-fasting. Of course, we break-fasted first. But, after it, we were doing a game that I hate the most, Truth or Dare. We sat around and passed some kind of stick while the music was on. When the music's off, a person who hold the stick have to choose to do "Truth" or "Dare". That's the part that I hate the most, when you have to do the "punishment". Luckily, the stick never stopped at me, so I didn't have to do any "punishment". It was 9.30 p.m. when we decided to go home. Yawn, I was really tired that night. But, I really enjoy the things we've done together.


heeem, lagi-lagi gue akan menuliskan bahwa gue udah lama enggak posting di blog ini. sebenernya, denga mudah gue bisa mengambing-hitamkan kesibukan di masa SMA ini (lagi-lagi), tapi sejujurnya memang guenya juga sih yang rada males. okeeey, cukup berbohongnya. gue memang lagi maleeees banget yang namanya ngeblog. tapi sekarang, di waktu senggang gue di masa libur lebaran ini, gue kayaknya bakalan sering posting deh. just hoping my next posts will be better so you can enjoy them more. have a nice day, everyone. God bless :)))