07 September 2010

ENDEAVOR's Break-Fasting 2010

Hi, guys. Now, I'm going to tell you about one of my experience. It's ENDEAVOR's break-fasting. Before I tell you more about the break-fasting itself, I wanna tell you about ENDEAVOR. It's one of extracurricular in SMA Negeri 14. It stands for English Debating Votary at Fourteen. I think it's enough for you to know about ENDEAVOR. Okay well, back to the main topic. What is it? Oh, err, right, break-fasting. All of my friends on 1oth grade had planned that the break-fasting will be held at Callista's house in Batu Merah, Pejaten Timur. When I first knew the location of that event, I was like, okay, confused. Why? Because I think it's too far away from my house, that's why. But, that's the only place which possible for us to hold the break-fasting. Therefore, I just agreed with it. After we had chosen the place, we chose the date to hold the event. So, after a long long time to decide, we decide to hold ENDEAVOR's break-fasting at Callista's on Saturday, 4th September 2010. Okay, now I'll tell you what we did on break-fasting. Of course, we break-fasted first. But, after it, we were doing a game that I hate the most, Truth or Dare. We sat around and passed some kind of stick while the music was on. When the music's off, a person who hold the stick have to choose to do "Truth" or "Dare". That's the part that I hate the most, when you have to do the "punishment". Luckily, the stick never stopped at me, so I didn't have to do any "punishment". It was 9.30 p.m. when we decided to go home. Yawn, I was really tired that night. But, I really enjoy the things we've done together.

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