28 February 2011

Boys, Read This!

You can shed tears that she is gone,
or you can smile because she has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all she's left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see her,
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember her only that she is gone,
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.

by David Harkins

27 February 2011

Girls, Read This!

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you. The one who turns to his friends and says, "That's her.”

from: thinkexist.com

25 February 2011

No Need to Think Twice... Just Read :)

Pakaian menyembunyikan banyak keindahan,
namun tidak mampu menutupi keburukan.
Dan walaupun dalam bersandang engkau mencari kebebasan untuk melindungi diri,
engkau mungkin akan mendapatkan belenggu ketopong serta rantai besi.
Janganlah engkau lupa,
bahwa kesantunan insan adalah perisai penolak pandangan
dari pemandangan yang tidak suci telah tiada lagi.
Maka apakah rasa malu, selain dari sebuah noda, pencemaran budi?
Dan jangan lupakan,
bahwa bumi senang merasakan telapak kakimu yang berjalan tanpa alas.
Serta angin pun selalu rindu bermain dengan rambutmu

Sang Nabi - Gibran

Dikutip dari novel Confeito, karangan Windhy Puspitadewi

21 February 2011

20 February 2011

(Still) About SMILE

If someone is too tired to give you a smile, leave one of your own, because no one needs a smile as much as those who have none to give

Even Our Fingers Love to Smile :)

Love this picture so much!!! Hahaha :DD I don't even know for sure, but it reminds me to smile like I really mean to.

Smile - Westlife

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile

That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile


Right now, I'm in the mood to post about SMILE. Just sit, scroll up and down, and smile!!!

What Light - Wilco

If you feel like singing a song
And you want other people to sing along
Then just sing what you feel
Don't let anyone say it's wrong

And if you're trying to paint a picture
But you're not sure which colors belong
Just paint what you see
Don't let anyone say it's wrong

And if you're strung out like a kite
Or stung awake in the night
It's alright to be frightened

When there's a light
What light
There's a light
What light
There's a light
White light
Inside of you

You think you might need somebody
To pick you up when you drag
Don't lose sight of yourself
Don't let anyone change you back

And if the whole world's singing your songs
And all you're paintings have been hung
Just remember what was yours is everyone's from now on

And that's not wrong or right
But you can struggle with it all you like
You'll only get uptight

When there's a light
What light
There's a light
What light
There's a light
White light
There's a light
White light
There's a light
One light
There's a light
White light
There's a light
One light
There's a light
White light
There's a light
One light
There's a light
One light
There's a light
White light
There's a light
White light
Inside of you

There's a light
White light
There's a light
White light
There's a light
White light
There's a light
One light

This song is teach us how to stay true to yourself. Just do what you think is right and don't let anyone tell you whether is wrong or right because you're the one who live your precious life :)

14 February 2011

The Things I Found While I Was Google-ing...

Ketika Saya Mahasiswahahahaha :DDD

Kalian boleh bilang pikiran gue terlalu jauh, atau pikiran lain yang sejenis, tapi gue udah punya rencana yang akan gue lakukan di masa depan.
PERTAMA. Saat gue nanti naik ke kelas 11 (sekarang gue masih di kelas 10), gue akan menghadapi yang namanya penjurusan. Dan dari sekarang gue udah bertekad untuk melanjutkan pendidikan SMA di jurusan IPS. Kenapaaa? Bukan karena bawaan orok gue yang enggak terlalu mencintai pelajaran eksakta kayak Fisika, Kimia, de el el itu, tapi karena dari gue kecil, gue suka banget sama yang namanya pelajaran non-eksakta. Jadi, mau orang-orang membujuk gue untuk masuk IPA kek, sampai mereka jungkir balik pun, gue tetap teguh mau masuk IPS
KEDUA. Gue mau punya tabungan. Buat gue, bisa nabung dan mulai mencari uang sendiri adalah satu tanda bahwa lo udah beranjak dewasa. Bukan masalah lo megang uang dan lo bisa menghabiskan uang itu seenak jidat lo, tapi masalah K.E.M.A.N.D.I.R.I.A.N. Yep, good spelling, guys! Hahaha :D Tapi, nabung itu bisa melatih self-management lo kok, beneran deh.
KETIGA. Kelak, saat gue udah menjadi seorang mahasiswa, jurusan yang mau gue ambil adalah:
  • Psikologi
  • Sastra Inggris
  • Hubungan Internasional
  • Hukum
  • Ekonomi
Yaaa, itulah sekian dari impian gue. Tapi, tetep aja gue enggak tau itu bakalan kejadian atau gagal total. Manusia emang boleh berencana, tapi akhirnya kan Tuhan yang memutuskan. Okay, see you next time :DD

Quote for Valentine's Day :)

Women are made from the ribs of men,
not from his head to top him,
or from his feet to be stepped upon.
But from his side to be close to him,
beneath his arm to be protected by him,
near his heart to be loved by him

13 February 2011

Kami Perlu Kau, Tuhan



Yes, we need you, Lord :)

I Wish I Could...

see sunset like this one. Wow, it really makes me realize how great and almighty is our God. If I could watch the sky turning into a very, very beautiful panorama like this, err, I wouldn't know what to say *sigh*.

I Wanna Be Like...

with cute and innocent faces...

Smile, like you really mean it...
Laugh, like you have no problems in this world...
Jump, like you got nothing to worry about...
Sleep tight... and believe there will be a better tomorrow waiting for you...
Dare to fall, and say to yourself, "I'm not afraid to fall because I believe I can stand up again. I might get hurt, but this is the way I learn to be a better man..."

What I Really Want for Valentine Is....

YELLOW ROSES!!! Yeah, really. A bunch of yellow roses (not the plastic ones) will brighten my day, for sure. I adore yellow roses much more than the red or white ones. I don't know why, but surely, those flowers are on the top of my Valentine's Day Wishes. Hahaha.

Welcoming the new ME!!!

Hi. Well, I think it's too late to say this, but this is a new year. So, I hope I can be a new person, the better one. And I'm having a lot of commitments to do in 2011. Keep on fire, guys!!!

For Them... You Must Know That You Are Never Alone :)

Biar saja orang-orang berkata bahwa engkau tidak memiliki mata...
Aku yang akan jadi matamu, yang akan tunjukkan kepadamu betapa indahnya dunia bila kita jalani hidup bersama...

Biar saja orang lain berkata bahwa engkau tidak memiliki telinga...
Aku akan tetap berbicara dan bercerita tentang segalanya kepadamu...
Karena aku yakin, engkau mendengarkanku bukan menggunakan telinga, tetapi kau pergunakan hatimu juga

Biar saja orang-orang berkata bahwa engkau tidak memiliki tangan...
Tangan untuk memeluk, tangan untuk menyentuh...
Tetapi kau telah berhasil memeluk dan menyentuhku, dengan hangatnya kasihmu...

Biar saja orang lain berkata bahwa engkau tidak memiliki kaki...
Tidak dapat mencapai tempat yang hendak kau tuju...
Tetapi aku yakin, engkaulah orang pertama yang akan mencapai tempat di sisiku, saat kesedihan menyelimuti...

Biar saja orang-orang berkata bahwa engkau dungu...
Tak bisa menambah dan mengurangi angka...
Tetapi, kupikir engkaulah yang tercerdas dari semuanya...
Kau bisa menambah, menambah kebahagiaan dalam hatiku...
Kau juga bisa mengurangi, mengurangi kesedihan dan bebanku... ketika aku terlalu letih untuk menanggungnya sendirian...

Biar saja orang lain berkata bahwa engkau tidak memiliki hati...
Akan kuberikan sebagian hatiku untukmu, sehingga kau dapat merasakan apa yang kurasakan terhadap dirimu...
Agar kau tahu apa yang kurasakan terhadap orang lain...
Dan yang terpenting, agar kau tahu bahwa dunia tidak harus dijalani sendiri...