26 May 2010

from OMGihatethat (on twitter)

i hate when my mood changes from happy to irritated.

i hate when teachers make you feel guilty when you don't turn in your homework.

when someone tells you to do something and you have no clue what to do so you just stand there looking stupid.

when people make fun of you for dumb reasons.

i hate when people tell you what to do.

i hate when i walk in somewhere and everyone stares at you.

i hate those people who are famous but can't sing/act for their life.

when your friends come over and touch everything in your room.

i hate when skinny people call themselves fat just to get compliments.

i hate when people are friends with me just because they need something from me.

i hate it when people say they hate someone and then 2 seconds later they are best friends.

I hate when you're home alone and you hear all these creepy noises in the house.

when your favorite tv show gets cancelled.

i know i forgot something...i just don't know what.

i hate when i like someone but i know i can't tell them because it'd ruin my friendship with them.

i hate when that one person has to ruin everything.

i HATE when people cant take a joke

i hate when you take out gum everyone ask's for a piece.

i hate when i ask a question and it never gets answered

Hahaha, too much of "I Hate"...

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